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Képaláírás: "There's this little commuter station, not far out at all, only in the first orb of neighbourhoods outside the city centre. It's perched right in the middle of nowhere between Angyalföld and Herminamező, on a cobblestone road that dissappears into the dark past a couple of defunct level crossing barriers that lean up like curved goodbyes, toward a highrise or two in the distance. The station is called Rákosrendező, the station building is a dusty reddish brown hulk. To its back, overgrown tracks. At its front, a single platform, a dozen people waiting in the yellowing light. And by the crossing, a really cool little büfé. Couple of wooden tables and benches. Few plastic chair on the gravel under the lean-to. The shed-like building has two small, open windows, one for "ételek", or food, and one for "italok", or drinks. The available food consists of a few stale cheese muffins and thick buns with unidentifiable meat, all wrapped in plastic. Nobody's buying. They come for cold cans of beer, or small bottles of liquor, for cheap. Behind the windows, a young teenage girl is bored but not unfriendly. Men shake hands, three are sitting on the plastic chairs and talking. On each of the four wooden tables, there's one man, almost in regimented formation. Each looking into the distance, over or past the ramshackle street, level crossing barriers and station building, or at his drink, before, after 15 or 20 minutes, getting up with a gravel grumble of the bench and going on his way again. An older man and a younger man sit on my bench overlooking it all, their conversation drifts in and out, Hungarian homebrew language, turns of phrases I make no effort to understand. A woman in high spirits ambles over to them, greets the older man as jovially as that homeless girl in Utrecht always greeted me, and follows up with the same line: do you have 200 forints for me? Eighty cents? I'll pay it back next time.. The man waves away the latter, gathers some coins from his pocket. The woman offers him something to eat, but he declines, I've already eaten.. again, the conversation drifts in and out, I look over the ramshackle street, the level crossing barriers, the station building. On the right, down the street, there's a small cabin, inside glowing light, a man working perhaps. "Rantott hus," the older man's voice goes, fried meat, and potatoes..."

Ismertető szöveg: Ez egy kicsi ingázó pályaudvar, egyáltalán nem messze, csak az első pályaszakasz a városközpont szomszédságában. Ez a semmi közepén helyezkedik el, valahol Angyalföld és Herminamező között, egy köves út mentén, ami eltűnik a sötét múltba, néhány elhagyott vonal keresztez sorompókat majd elvezet mint egy kanyargó köszönés, a távoli emeletes épületek irányába. Az első homlokzatot látjuk, előtte pár tucatember várakozik sárgás fényben. Rákosrendező az 1860-as években állomáson szerelték fel a magyar vasút első villamos védőjelző berendezését. Súllyal hajtott szerkezetet működtettek villamos árammal, a hajtómű pedig a súllyal állította át a jelzőtárcsát. A Nyugati utáni első állomás, de inkább a teherforgalom számára épült.

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