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Ismertető szöveg: II. Rákóczi Ferenc a Rákóczi-szabadságharc vezetője, Magyarország vezérlő fejedelme, erdélyi fejedelem. Neve szorosan összefügg az általa 1703-ban indított Rákóczi-szabadságharccal, mely révén Magyarország teljes függetlenségét kívánta visszaszerezni, hogy a Habsburg Birodalomtól független állammá váljék. E célnak megfelelően választották Erdély és Magyarország fejedelmévé, amelyhez tökéletesen megfelelt, mivel Rákóczi Zsigmond erdélyi fejedelem leszármazottja volt, azonkívül dédapja és nagyapja I. Rákóczi György és II. Rákóczi György, továbbá apja I. Rákóczi Ferenc is voltak erdélyi fejedelmek. Harca jóllehet nem járt sikerrel, de volt benne siker is mert így elismerték a Habsburgok Erdélyt önálló fejedelemként és nem gyarmatosították. A magyarság körében ma is tisztalelkű és becsületes vezetőként él tovább emléke, mivel a felkínált közkegyelmet nem volt hajlandó elfogadni, s végig kitartott a magyar függetlenség ügye mellett. Rákóczi út is one of the most prominent roads in Budapest, separating 7th and 8th districts between Astoria crosspoint and Keleti ("Eastern") Railway Station. This section of the street formerly was also called Kerepesi út, as further part leading towards the east today is, and was named after Rákóczi on 28th October 1906 when his remains were brought back to Hungary from Turkey and a long funeral march went along the street (actually he is buried in Kassa/Košice). Now it is a 2x3 lines city road; up to the opening of the east-west metro-line in 1970 it has transported trams, as well, and had been equipped with railways. - The second choice is definitely Rákóczi tér of 8th district, named after him even earlier than the famous straight road, in 1874. While the road has grown into a twinkling shopping promenade (a sort of) in the sixties, the square (though placed in one of the busiest spot of the capital) was sinking into an other layer of the society: though it accomodates a fine park, nice houses and an older shopping hall, up to the recent times it was well-known as a meeting place for prostitues & harlots & clients. - 13 further public places bear the name of Rákóczi or Rákóczi Ferenc on the map of Budapest, and hundreds of different things (even a cake) in Hungary. Ferenc (Francis) II Rákóczi was the leader of the Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs in 1703-11 as the prince of the Estates Confederated for Liberty of the Kingdom of Hungary. He was also (like Bocskai or Bethlen) Prince of Transylvania. After the fall of the uprising he was sent to exile: all major rulers of Europe rejected him in the first round including Queen Anne of England and Louis XIV of France, eventually the Ottoman Empire accepted him and his companions, and he spent his last 18 years at Rodostó (known as Tekirdag of Turkey today). As a stepson of Imre Thököly, they represent the fourth direct family relation in Heroes' Square Monument statuary (the Hunyadi János-King Matthias father-son relation has been revealed yet). The story of this particular statue is also interesting, since Ferenc Rákóczi was not displayed in the original set of statues, from 1905 the statue of King Leopold II of the Habsburgs, a work by Richárd Füredi had been featured instead. Leopold was removed in 1951-53; Rákóczi was placed there in 1955; his statue was designed by Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl, renowned artist of the era, famous for his Liberty Memorial on Gellérthegy, main symbol of the city.

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